Alice in Wonderland or is it New York City

Wherever it is, it really is always tea-time in this silly corner of Central Park, set out on a few bronze mushrooms.

Who would sit on a mushroom in Central Park

Who would sit on a mushroom in Central Park

Drawing the Central Park Alice statue

Drawing the Central Park Alice statue

The Mad Hatter and the Dormouse

The Mad Hatter and the Dormouse

Alice and her cats in Wonderland

Alice and her cats in Wonderland

If you look and imagine long enough, where this 1959 José de Creeft Alice in Wonderland statue is, this is as you just might see things though.

The Cheshire Cat grin

The Cheshire Cat grin

So can you imagine this New York cityscape in your home? Would guests spot what’s hidden in the trees straight away, or might you enjoy watching their faces for a while as the lose themselves in this art, forgetting to talk as they perhaps make out this hidden Cheshire Cat face?

Alice in Wonderland statue, Central Park, New York by Douglas Rickard

Alice in Wonderland statue, Central Park, New York by Douglas Rickard

But how about I begin at the beginning (even though we’re already in the middle of this blog post)? Staring out of car windows as a little boy, I used to imagine characters travelling along outside with us, such as Edgar on his motorcycle from “The Aristocats”. So what more perfect a place could there possibly be to start “seeing things” than this whimsical dead end of a path in that maze called New York City.

As an unframed giclée direct from me, you can request a hand embellished version, layered with actual oil pastel touches, bespoke with even more hidden suprises like some special intials or a date.

Douglas Rickard talks about his Central Park New York art

Douglas Rickard talks about his Central Park New York art

You can also decorate your home, if you ever do get home, with my drawing on throw pillows or affordable larger wall art through this rabbit hole called my Redbubble store.

Alice in Wonderland gifts and shopping

Alice in Wonderland gifts and shopping

The Dormouse

The Dormouse